Durham's Restaurants
and Bars
Many of Durham's restaurants are within 2 minutes of your door - we have provided detailed recommendations in the Guest Guide in the Apartment.For a preview of our favourite eating places, all within easy reach, just click below for a printable PDF.
Our comprehensive Durham Guide
Our favourite bars ? The Champagne Bar in Millennium Square (5 minutes walk) strikes a good balance between comfort, liveliness and extravagance;
Whisky River, by the waterside, is similarly welcoming and even closer.
The nearest Pub ? Out of your front door, turn left and walk 20 paces round the corner. It even serves Real Ale.
Or if you prefer fizzier brews:
![Ebony Champagne Bar Durham](img/champagne-bar.jpg)
Ebony Champagne Bar
![Finbarrs Restaurant Durham](img/finbarrs-durham.jpg)
Finbarrs Restaurant
![Zen Bar and Restaurant Durham](img/zen.jpg)
Zen Bar and Restaurant